
Cask Whisky - The Global Market

The global whisky market is continuing to skyrocket and is becoming an increasingly popular form of investment!

Whisky accounts for nearly 20% of all UK food and drinks exports, making it the most traded spirit in the world.

Despite a global pandemic that has left many distilleries struggling to keep up with demand, as well as inflation pushing up prices across the board, there are set to continue to be healthy returns available over coming years, especially considering how emerging economies will cause this trend towards investing more into these products just goes hand-in-glove everywhere you look!

The whisky market continues to flourish and investors are taking notice. What was traditionally a market focused on industry specialists in the British Isles, is now becoming a global phenomenon as people from different regions start looking for ways to grow their wealth through investment opportunities such as whole casks of scotch whiskies that can be resold at any time or put into another barrel altogether depending upon what you prefer! With financial markets increasingly more connected across borders, we expect this trend will only continue increasing popularity among those seeking substantial returns with little risk involved - which makes it all sorts including an attractive asset class if you're considering putting some money away today…

The demand for classic brands with a genuine and authentic history behind them has led to an increase in the value of cask prices across all market segments. This particularly applies when consumers from around the world enter this new marketplace, looking out towards famous alcoholic beverages that are familiar yet unknown - seeking something unique but still accessible.

The growing popularity among tourists wanting experiences rather than just material items means we'll see more sales go towards casks as opposed to bottles because they offer greater portability while also preserving taste.

The single malt and cask market is growing in developing countries like India. Blended whisky becomes popular first, then as consumers become savvier they start looking for older whiskies with higher selectivity- both volume-wise or value of liquid consumed - which means long-term growth will come from whole casks being invested into rather than blended drinks.

The arrival on the global stage of new economies readymade to thrive suggests an increased focus by established markets anxious about their future stability due to uncertain conditions within our current economic system.

The Most Sought-After Spirit In China

China has become the newest hot spot for luxury spirit consumption with its citizens embracing premium Scotch brands and willing to pay a steep price. The country's Hurun Research Institute reported that by 2025, the Asia-Pacific whisky market will be worth £1.77 billion, more than doubling the US market value in 2019.

Global Inflation

In a number of westernised countries, the populations have experienced a rapid increase in inflation. As a result, alternative investment opportunities, such as cask whisky, have been on a steady increase due to casks consistently appreciating and their value not being affected by other factors.

On The Up & Up

Investment in cask whisky is on the rise all over. While it may be rare to find someone who has invested their entire profits into one single cask, there's no denying that interest from global investors is skyrocketing and opportunities await those brave enough for such an investment!

Register your interest and begin your whisky journey.